Despite lacking a facebook page (work still in process with our IT department) we now have a facebook location that you’re all welcome to check in at whenever you train at Dean Close. The location is ‘Wisewarrior at Dean Close’. Hopefully most of you will now be doing this twice a week, as the new payment scheme as been very popular.

There is a promotional event in July, on Saturday the 9th. It will be
the ‘Cheltenham Midsummer festival’. We have managed to get leaflets,
posters etc there. Unfortunately we missed out on being able to have
our own stall and we certainly missed the opportunity to run a demo for
this event, so if any of you know of any upcoming events at which we
could run a demo please let us know. Our Demo Team are in danger of
becoming rusty otherwise. ??

Now that we are no longer committed to running a Saturday class, we have
been in discussion as to whether we could use Saturdays to offer any
other training events. Amongst the many ideas, we are thinking of maybe
running occasional day courses, these could possibly be themed (filmed fight days, sword and calligraphy etc.) But they will include great stuff like personal tuition, lectures on Zen and personal security, outdoor training and a lunch also included, just like a mini weekend course! If any of you are interested in the idea of these themed Saturday training days, then please let us know. Also if any of you have any ideas as to what themes you might be interested in then your input would be greatly appreciated.

Finally, don’t forget that this blog is your blog. Feel free to comment with your articles/photos etc.

Categories: Uncategorized


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