BAMA Advanced Class, Mondays 7.45pm
Some advanced Kata work this week, at Mark sans request, which was reasonable considering his impending 2nd Dan grading!! Exactly what separates a 2nd Dan from a 1st Dan blackbelt is difficult to explain but obvious to see and mark san is shaping up very well! ________________________________________________________________

Ken-Kai-Ryu, Mondays, 7.45pm

A lovely mix of grades in the sword class this week, so we were really able to work together on developing the perfect physical lines and shapes required for sword gradings, many times when a student attempts to demonstrate power and spirit during a cut they may lose the aesthetic shape that is required for great looking sword, form must always fit purpose!


Holistic martial Arts Class, Tuesdays 6.30pm

Soft form was the theme for this weeks class, a regular Wisewarrior martial art student might recognize it as the shapes and ideas from Aikido. Of course HMA is not a martial art lesson and the participants do not study combat martial arts, so for them to try and understand and feel some of the benefits of this subject without partners to practice it with, is quite a challenge for students and teacher alike!  But Richard San still managed to convey the foot work, balance and fluidness required of this subject, and indeed the speed, so ‘Soft form’ did not mean slow form!


Reflective Aikido, Tuesdays, 8.30pm

A lesson that started simply enough on balance and footwork soon developed into a very up-tempo and physical  challenge for all the students there that night! But it was a joy to watch the class dealing successfully with committed grabs and strikes in such a balanced and harmonizing way, moving the attackers all over the dojo by use of deflection and energy transference, by the end everyone looked tired but happy.


Japanese Sword, Tuesdays, 9.30pm

The beauty and grace of Japanese sword was undone this night by gingerbread! What more needs to be said, but just to wish sensie Hayley a very happy birthday and to thank her for bringing these sugary gifts along for everyone to share that night!

Richard San has promised an extra hard session next week to make up for this lapse! :-)


BAMA Karate and Aikido Te Class, Wednesdays, 6.45pm

Wednesday evening this week was very busy, with personal tution going on left right and centre, new students embarking upon BAMA grading subjects as well as more polishing of syllabus for the veterans taking their part one tests very soon.
The groups fell nicely into both advanced and beginners Karate and Aikido. As we had five black belt instructors teaching, this meant that we were able to get on with some great small group tuition and really look at the finer details of martial arts. (For those that haven’t yet read Sensei Mark’s piece on his insightful reflection on what make a martial artist then check out his article in the lounge blogs)

All our students are starting to look very good for the December gradings where we’re hoping to have a big turn out for some of the higher grades with loads of people going for black and brown belts, so keep up the hard work.

The last part of the evening was once again working on the new combat sequences. Where as last week we were looking at upper cuts, this week we kept the attacks the same, but were looking at basic wrist locks. A few difficult sequences, but by the time we finished everybody was looking very good. A particular mention must go to our three beginners who all coped brilliantly. Not only did they “get” the sequences, but they were all able to “face off” against the higher grades in the room. All in all a great night’s training.
See you in the dojo next week!! ________________________________________________________________

Philosophy Group

As so often during philosophy lessons i am struck by the great fortune i have as a teacher to be in the amazing company of some wonderful and wise students, never more so when they share great insights and share personal troubles with me. Truly the teacher is always within ourselves if we but give it voice and confidence to speak. All answers will come, problems will be seen only as challenges and overcome.

Many personal challenges are being faced by the some of the students at the moment, i wish you well and may you trust in your own great wisdom.
