Well its good to see nearly all of our blogs starting to fire up again after the quiet summer blog period!
Tim San has a new blog up about ‘self defence’ this week, that should get you all in the mood for our next workshop, which will be on….self defence of course!

This is planned for November the 3rd, but stay tuned to the ‘Whats on’ blog for all the latest details. As always it will be free to all students of Wisewarrior, but we hope to see many of your friends & family you think might be interested in learning our security concepts and techniques. This workshop of course will have special interest to any ladies you might know.

There is also a lovely piece of writing in the ‘Lounge’ blog posted by Kohigh Matthew, which i’m sure many of you will find fascinating which is on medieval chivalry and ‘ Gentillesse’.

Its great to see all grades contributing such varied articles to this blog. Remember if you fancy submitting a piece then just see Richard San or Tim San.

This weeks training fairly zipped along as usual, with Tim San almost finishing the 1st Dan kata on Monday night, remember this will be required for first part gradings for all those going for 1st and 2nd Dan in December, should be a great demo to watch!!
There was a great sword night on Tuesday with Richard San teaching and demonstrating tandem sword work, we now have such talented students in sword who can express themselves so beautifully through this amazing weapon.
Wednesday saw the crash mats still taking centre stage, so to speak! With many lessons on advanced take-downs and break falls being given. This type of lesson is really helping the lower grades in Aikido brush up their skill sets,  mention must go to some outstanding improvment in mat technique from Dohigh Wills and Dohigh Jon, keep it up guys!

Finally a lively discussion on ‘Original Face’ took place in the Philosophy group this week, we had a new take on the ancient and perplexing question; “who were you before your father was born?” Of course there is never (or ever!) a simple answer to this amazing question, but the understanding must surely lie somewhere in our attempts to answer it!

See you in the dojo!