Ah the pressure has settled now the gradings are over and done with which can only mean more fun in the Dojo!!

Monday saw the Black belts enjoying a sword lesson with Richard San whilst preparing Nick San for his imminent sword grading on Wednesday. And Tim San explained the ins and outs of flexibility training to Dohigh Uday on his post grading private lesson. Then the proverbial s@!t hit the fan with the remainder of the session being devoted to sparring techniques, there really is nothing like throwing a lower grade in at the deep end!! 🙂 And Dogigh Uday managed to hold it together while good old Nick San showed him the ropes (and the floor once or twice I think!!)

Nick San, on Monday before his grading…

Wednesday nights session began with the class working on a paced learning exercise aimed at improving their ability to think quickly under pressure. They were tasked with creating defences and subsequent attacks until they had an entire routine to display to the group. Things moved on with our usual blend of technical assistance and practical examples before the Sens turned it up a notch by getting the class to work on the same principles but this time against multiple opponents! A lot of fun and some great lessons learned.
However the star of the night went to Nick San who quite literally stole the show with his awesome swordwork display that earned him a well deserved Brown Belt, so congratulations to him on a job well done!!!
Nick San after his sword grading…
Then it was off to the Pub for a little get together before the Christmas period. It was great to see some old faces there and a good evening was had by all with the last few stragglers finally being asked to leave the premises by the bar staff, hardened drinkers (of diet coke) that they were!!

The Christmas week will soon be upon us and this leaves us with a problem for teaching venues over the festive period.
Dean Close is shut from the 24th to the 7th, consequently we have 3 dates available but you will have to book your place via the form below. Alas, due to the times and availability of the rooms if you don’t book then ya can’t come!!

So, we have a session on December 27th 7-9 at the Yoga Centre. And 2 sessions at Richard Sans Private Dojo on January 3rd and 4th, 7-9 again.

Please add which sessions you intend to make in the comment box below…

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