Firstly dates!!

Just so there is no confusion, the Tonfa workshop is on the 31st of this month, which of course is a week this Saturday at 2pm at the YMCA, thank you to all who have said they are coming, should be great fun! There have already been sightings of 4th Dan’s muttering with each other on how to create the most pain with a Tonfa stick!!
Remember…free for all our regular students, friends only £10.

There is also a change to some previously advertised dates (not wisewarrior’s fault we hasten to add, but the venues). The new ‘Holistic martial arts’ demonstration and class, which we hope may become a permanent fixture, has had to be put back to the following weekend, so this is now on Saturday 21st of April, 10-11pm and on the following Sunday 22nd of April, 2-3pm. Our apologies to those of you who made plans and now cannot make it, but I’m assured by the organizers that this is now the definite date!
We hope some of our students can still pop along, and even bring friends and family, as this will be like no other class you have done with us, it will be all movement meditation…so we hope you will all float out!

Black belts!
Well…if all of our students have had half as much fun as our black belts this week, then they’ve all been having a fantastic time! Its been great to see all the smiles on the faces of the black belts this week, whether they have been getting stuck into teaching on the Wednesday night, fighting in the black belt class, learning advanced sword techniques on Mondays or Bokken sparring on the Tuesday night! The overall energy and enjoyment has been so high! If you can bring that amount of enjoyment and passion to your lessons and to your teaching then something must be working!
Also what a great atmosphere for all our students to learn in, we are always very proud of our Sensei’s, from those like Tor San, Nick San and John San who have been training for over 10 years, right up to the ‘new guns’, of Mark San, Graeame San, Dave and James San, remember ‘Sensei’ means teacher, “one who as gone before”, none of the black belts just happened, they were all shaky white belts once, just like us all! You know when the training and the dojo are right because you have so many great teachers and such great smiles!

So a special word of appreciation to the sen’s this week, well done and keep it up, the view from black belt just keeps getting better!

Lastly a big thank you to Kohigh Sam, a professional photographer, who popped along this Wednesday night to take some pictures. His brief was to catch the atmosphere of the Dojo, well he choose the right night for that! Many thanks to Dohigh Kevin and the ‘Combat Club’ Sen’s for making that happen, I’m sure like us you are all looking forward to seeing the fruits of his labours, stay tuned!