Kobudo March 31st Workshop!

On Saturday we ran our Kobudo workshop, and what a great turnout! Thank you to all those who came along and brought family or friends, next time we may need to book a bigger room! It had to be said when Tim San and Richard San heard that the Dojo had voted for a Tonfa […]

Dojo Update: 24th March & Blackbelts!

Firstly dates!! Just so there is no confusion, the Tonfa workshop is on the 31st of this month, which of course is a week this Saturday at 2pm at the YMCA, thank you to all who have said they are coming, should be great fun! There have already been sightings Read more…

Dojo Update: 16th of March, art of the partner!

The kobudo seminaris now just over a week away and there seems to be a lot of interest judging by the comments appearing in the blog, Facebook etc. as well as the obvious content, (which will be amazing when two 4th Dans are running it!) it will be really nice getting everybody together for a […]

Dojo Update: 4th March and Kobudo!

Lets start with wishing all those going for their gradings this Sunday the best of luck! You all looked great as you performed your Katas and Wazas in the dojo this Wednesday; just show that same focus and power and it will be a fantastic grading day for you! Nice to see other sen’s helping […]

Dojo Update: 24th February and Workshop.

Well, we had the last part 1. gradings to do on Wednesday night before the National gradings on March 4th, and it all looked really good! Especially  Kohigh Jose who passed that night impressively after only a month’s training! Although admittedly he is making full use of our standing order payment system, and has been […]

Dojo Update: November 10th

This has been a most amazing week for preliminary gradings, not because of the numbers of people grading, but because of the grades they were going for. After a year of very hard work, we have had three people take their first stage black belt gradings! The first of these were on Monday with Sempai […]