“For those of you that weren’t aware, or weren’t able to make it, the first of the new Dean Close Monday sessions kicked off yesterday and it was very well attended. We divided the group into two, one group for advanced combat and one for advanced sword.


Tim San took the advanced combat group though a variety of brown and black belt techniques covering not just how they appear in the katas but, more importantly, how they work in practical situations. The techniques were then practiced with partners and within a short space of time that half of the room was filled with people flying around.


The advanced sword was taken by Richard San and was made up of two black belts and a purple belt. The theme was simple – the link between Aikido and Sword however, the moves were anything but simple and were soon stretching the abilities of all the students. Fun to do and beautiful to watch, we’re all looking forward to learning the next piece of this pattern.


We’re hoping that as many of you have taken the opportunity to change to the new payment scheme then these Monday sessions will grow from strength to strength. For anybody not lucky enough to be one of the three students learning the new sword pattern don’t forget that you are also entitled to attend the Tuesday Sword and Aikido class.


Finally, just to let you all know, we ARE now running a Wisewarrior promo stall at this Saturday’s Midsummer Festival in Montpellier Gardens from 12 till 6pm. If any of you are going to this then please pop along to visit our team or chat to one of the sensei’s about helping with the event!”


Categories: Uncategorized


D. Will · 8 July 2011 at 6:01 pm

Really enjoyed the Monday session, it was very rewarding and makes us realise how far we have all come from those early days of Kohigh.

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