The gradings march ever closer and the atmosphere of nervous excitement grows stronger as the weeks roll on.

Consequently Monday night was very busy and everyone seems to be enjoying the new format.
As part of this new system where high grades gain invaluable teaching experience, Sempai Kevin ran a great aikido group, helped by Richard San.

Dohigh Tam passed her Blue belt first part grading in japanese sword with a great performance of battle spirit in front of the whole class.

The Black belts  trained on their 1st Dan Kata, and gave the class glimpses of what to expect with an impromptu demo of their favourite bits!
And Kick height was the order of the day in Richard San’s lessons for the brown belts going for black.

Wednesday nights training kicked off with a bang as the class were treated to a spot of kumite (sparring), needless to say this came as a bit of a shock for the new students! However the main focus of the evening was Kata work as Richard San and Tim San cast a watchful eye on those soon to be grading and put them through their paces with particular attention this week toward ‘showmanship’.
High grades in particular were looking very sharp and are all getting the knack now of creating memorable performances instead of simply repeating patterns.

Rounding the session offer the Black belts had a quick trial of ‘creative Kata writing’, a difficult test as it highlights just how highly developed ones martial arts skills really are and it has to be said they certainlymdid rise to the challenge, excellent work!!

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Sempai Kevin · 27 October 2012 at 6:59 pm

It was great to be able to make it back to the dojo. Dohigh Tam’s grading was awesome and the “best bits” from the 1st Dan Kata were explosive!

I also really liked the new matts, no excuse for not giving those throws and take-downs some beans.

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