Well the observant among you might of noticed the increase in Karate related subjects and ‘tests’ of the er…Karate nature!

Well you’d be right in your assumptions; based on a couple of things, first there is a back to the fundamentals move in the national gradings, that require all students whatever their style to have the basic ‘bedrock’ of stance, strikes and the terminology of the grade they are going for firmly in place. So we as your Senseis are making sure those bases are covered. Secondly; the majority of the dojo seems to be Aikido based…and Tim San (despite Richard and Tor San) is going to stick up for his specialist subject, and redress the balance somewhat! 🙂

Cheltenham Karate‘ So..the Sens’ have decided to make your next free seminar on…Karate!

This will be in August, (so stay tuned for dates and check the ‘Spotlight’ blog and members page for details soon!) which will be perfect timing for all those grading in September who need terminology and performance brush-ups, even you weapon grades!! Plus this gives us a great opportunity to cover and explain many of the great Karate combat techniques and their uses from all over the grades in real depth. There will also be a class on basic use of Karate for any new people you might wish to bring along; who may have an interest in self defence or just fitness!

So to recap….Karate seminar in August, free to all Wisewarrior students and only £5 to any friends or family who wish to register for the event in advance…excellent!

See you in the dojo!