More good syllabus work done this week with all students moving ever closer to their martial art goals. However Tim San; ever the technical task master, noticed students suffering with their stance work. To this end, as you have undoubtedly seen on Facebook and the members page of the website, Tim San has devised the ‘7 Day Zenkutsu Dachi Challenge’!!!

It’s a simple but effective technique programme to improve the stance, and if you follow it for the full week you’ll have done 1400 zenkutsu dachis in a week! Think of the muscle tone in those legs after that lot!!  (You will need to log in to the ‘members page’ of the web site to pick up the program, you should of received your personal password via email by now; if not let Tim San or Richard San know!)

Practice is the key to any skill and the martial arts are no exception.
Unfortunately there is a slight flaw with our emphasis on intensive one to one tuition, and that is that our lessons focus on knowledge; relying upon the students to put the work in at home – and turn that lesson into a useful technique!

But life isn’t the same as when Richard San and Tim San first started in martial arts back in the 80’s, and finding the time at home to practice has never been more difficult. So the instructor team intend to offer more of these weekly training programs and tips: via Facebook, blogs and the ‘members page’ of the website. All to help you get the most out of your precious time to practice.

See you in the dojo, hopefully with better stances (Else Tim San is gonna go spare!!!)

Call that a stance!!!

Call that a stance!!!